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Veg Out with Your Pet

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Veg Out with Your Pet

Vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables can be a healthy way to supplement your pet’s regular canned or dry food diet. Just make sure they’re pet-safe, and always consult your vet before introducing new foods.


fluffy gray tabby cat with a gold tag resting near a window

What Is Cat Stomatitis and Gingivitis? Cat Gum Care

Find out what you need to know about painful gum diseases like gingivitis and stomatitis in cats.


orange tabby cat curled in a ball by a window

What is Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in Cats?

Learn all about the causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, and treatments that come along with cat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).


scruffy dog resting head on pet parents lap

Heartworm: Symptoms and Treatment

eartworm Disease can be a scary health issue to deal with. To help keep your pup healthy, read up on preventive measures, symptoms, and treatment options.