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Veg Out with Your Pet

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Veg Out with Your Pet

Vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables can be a healthy way to supplement your pet’s regular canned or dry food diet. Just make sure they’re pet-safe, and always consult your vet before introducing new foods.


savannah cat resting on a couch with a white blanket and striped pillows

Savannah Cat Facts

With ancestors coming straight from the African savanna, Savannah cats are wild both in their appearance and personality. Read on to learn more about these spunky cats.


terrier mixed dog looking directly into the camera

All About Mixed Breed Dogs

Mixed breed dogs may look like purebred dogs, but you will be surprised to learn just how many breeds exist in your dog’s ancestry.


dog jumping over a bar on an agility course

Outdoor Sports for Pets

From dog agility and skijoring, to dock diving and surfing, learn all about outdoor sports for pets, plus the benefits of a catio for your feline friend.