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Keeping Cool with Pets

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Summer is starting to sizzle, but the rising temperature doesn’t have to get in the way of you and your pet having fun in the sun! Here are some fun ideas to beat the heat and important tips to keep everyone safe.

For Dogs

  • Freeze chicken or beef broth in an ice cube tray.
  • Fill up a plastic kiddie pool just for your pup.
  • Cover your pal with a damp towel while they nap.

For Cats

  • Give your cat a few ice cubes to bat around the house.
  • Fill a hot water bottle with cool water for your cat to lie on.
  • Turn on a small fan next to your cat’s favorite place to nap.

For All

  • Provide plenty of water and shade away from direct sunlight.
  • Limit exercise on hot, humid days to early morning or evening.
  • Know the signs of heat-related issues and what to do next.

Additionally, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Be sure to check out these pet first-aid basics just in case your pet does get injured or ill and don’t forget to get a free quote!


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