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Veg Out with Your Pet

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Veg Out with Your Pet

Vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables can be a healthy way to supplement your pet’s regular canned or dry food diet. Just make sure they’re pet-safe, and always consult your vet before introducing new foods.


Understanding Lymphoma in Cats

The most common form of cancer in cats is lymphoma. Do you know how to help your kitty if they develop the disease?


Black and white cat sits next to black and white dog as they look to the side

QUIZ: Which Pet is Your Ideal Match?

Your pet match has a lot to do with your personality and lifestyle. Take this quiz to see what pet might be right for you!


George and Fred sitting next to each on a shelf

A Purrfect Pair: The Tail of Fred and George

Read about our customer Christine and how her ASPCA Pet Health Insurance plan has helped her provide care for her cats Fred and George.