What to Know About Mental Health Care and Cats
Like people, cats can suffer from depression.
Cat nutrition is an important topic that can change with trends from year to year. Although each cat parent may have their preferences as to which cat food brands they support, what’s crucial is that your feline friend still receives their necessary daily nutrients.
Typically, feline nutritional needs are the same from one cat to the next. However, when a cat has specific dietary requirements or a particular health condition, that may affect the amount or type of food they require.
Since the global pandemic, when more people welcomed home new four-legged friends, the trends concerning cat nutrition have shifted. This, in part, is because pet parents’ views on what they expect from their own food have changed. Today, many people have a higher standard of expectations of the pet companies from which they shop.
When considering cat nutrition at home, there’s no short supply of options to review. With every cat being a bit unique in their nutritional requirements and personal preferences, don’t be surprised if you need to try out a few different meals or treat options before you find one your cat prefers. That said, don’t forget to consult your veterinarian about any nutrition-related questions or concerns, especially if you are considering making significant changes to your cat’s diet. Your veterinarian may also have some helpful advice about switching your cat’s food, which can occasionally cause an unsettled stomach.
Like people, cats also have daily nutritional requirements. These nutrients are something pet parents should look into and consider when choosing a pet food. Of course, the price, company, brand, and sustainability behind a cat food product are all significant, but the food’s nutrients are perhaps the most important.
Cat nutrition requirements revolve around high amounts of protein, a moderate amount of fat, a minimal amount of carbohydrates, and various amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. As is true for any diet, cats must receive the appropriate balance since too much of a good thing (like vitamins or minerals) could cause an adverse reaction and lead to other health issues.
There are many benefits of serving your cat dry food. For starters, it can be left sitting out, allowing you to put food in your cat’s bowl and letting them graze on it as they please. Although pricewise it can vary, it is less expensive on average than some wet-food alternatives. Many kibble options are also available for purchase in large quantities, which can be helpful for stocking up and decreasing the number of trips you have to take to the pet store. If your cat’s food doesn’t already come in a resealable package, store it in an air-tight, water-proof container, and don’t forget to keep track of the food’s expiration date.
Canned cat food can also be an excellent option for many felines. One of the many benefits of wet food is that it contains a much higher percentage of water, which can be helpful to your pal’s health if they often don’t drink as much as they should. On average, canned cat food can cost more per serving, but it is a great option for picky eaters. Plus, most pet and grocery stores carry quite a variety of flavor options. When unopened, canned cat food can have the longest shelf life compared to other types of food. However, once opened, any leftover food promptly needs to be stored in the refrigerator.
Just like a cat’s nutritional requirements can change based on whether they have any preexisting health conditions, their age or stage of life can also be a factor. For instance, nutrition for older cats will look different than that for kittens. Although it’s recommended that you first talk with your cat’s veterinarian about recommended changes to your cat’s diet, when shopping for food, you’ll notice that brands typically label their foods that are specially formulated for a specific age.
The ingredient list is one of the most important pieces of information to consider when comparing cat foods. Like human food, cat food ingredients are listed in decreasing order of the weight included. As a general rule of thumb, it can be a positive sign when a type of meat or meat by-product (including seafood) is listed as one of the first few ingredients.
All commercially produced cat food has a minimum nutritional requirement established by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). Whenever you see a cat food that has been AAFCO approved, the food should be nutritionally complete and balanced, providing your feline friend with their daily required nutrients.
In addition to these considerations, you should also take note of the suggested serving size. How much food a cat needs per meal can vary on many factors, including your cat’s age, activity level, and current weight.
As you go through the process of finding the best meals and treats for your cat, don’t forget the final piece to the puzzle—where you feed your cat. Some cats may not like their food bowls in heavily trafficked rooms of the house, near their litter boxes, or where the dog could get into them. These could all lead to your cat refusing to eat. Instead, consider an area of your home set back from the hustle, bustle, and noise.
Whether you are considering where to feed your cat, which type of food they’d like, or what cat food brand is most environmentally focused, cat parents alike have probably noticed that cat nutrition trends vary from year to year. However, one trend remains the same: pet parents want to provide their four-legged family members with nutritious food that will allow them to live the healthy and happy life they deserve.
An ASPCA Pet Health Insurance plan can help you with eligible costs for covered conditions like surgery expenses for accidents and help provide peace of mind that your pet can receive the care they need. Check out our online resources to learn more about your insurance options and get a free quote today. The information presented in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute or substitute for the advice of your veterinarian.
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