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All About Goldendoodles

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goldendoodle outdoors with its tongue hanging out

Known for their loving, playful and sometimes goofy personalities, it is no wonder why Goldendoodles, also called "Doodles," have recently grown in popularity.

What Exactly Is a Goldendoodle?

Because of their kind demeanor and easy-going temperament, the Goldendoodle makes for a perfect family companion. As an active breed, they will happily join you for a run or play fetch with the kids.

When people ask, "how big do Goldendoodles get?" there is no one correct answer, since these dogs vary in size. They can be found in miniature, standard, and large. Miniature Doodles range in height from 10 to 15 inches and weigh between 15 to 35 pounds, standard Doodles range in height from 15 to 21 inches and weigh between 40 to 50 pounds, and large Doodles range in height from 20 to 29 inches and weigh between 50 to 90 pounds.

miniature goldendoodle enjoying the day outdoors at a NYC dog park with his tennis ball

History of the Goldendoodle

Characterized as a designer dog, this breed was created by crossing a Golden Retriever with a Poodle. Many people give credit to Monica Dickens for creating this new type of Poodle mix back in 1969. However, their fame really took off in the 1990s, when Poodle mixes, such as Cockapoos and Labradoodles, began catching people's attention.

The original inspiration behind creating this new type of Doodle was to take the best qualities of two great, diverse dog breeds, and combine them into one perfect dog. Breeders hoped to create a new breed that had the kind and intelligent qualities of a Golden Retriever and the low-dander, allergy-friendly qualities of a Poodle.

Due to Goldendoodles being a fairly new breed, a majority of pet parents will be adopting first-generation Doodles. This means that the Doodles' parents will be a Golden Retriever and a Poodle and not two Goldendoodles.

Goldendoodle FAQ

With their floppy ears, fluffy fur, and teddy bear-like appearance, it's not hard to imagine why this happy-go-lucky dog has been added to so many families and why many people now use this breed for service dogs.

Some common questions people have before adopting a Goldendoodle include:

  • Do Goldendoodles Shed? Most Goldendoodles shed very little or some not at all, which is one of the leading reasons behind why many people choose this breed. While no dog is completely hypoallergenic, many pet parents find that individuals with dog allergies are oftentimes able to go unbothered by this breed.
  • How Long Do Goldendoodles Live? As a reasonably healthy breed, most standard to large Goldendoodles live around 10 to 13 years. However, many outside factors can affect this number, including the dog's size, diet, pre-existing health conditions, and overall well-being.
  • Do Most Goldendoodles Have the Same Personality? Goldendoodles are a mixed breed, which means that it will be difficult to predict which traits they will inherit.
  • What Colors Are Common Among Goldendoodles? Just like their namesake, Goldendoodles do come in a golden color. Other common colors include white, cream, red, brown, grey, and black.

doodle looking out the window

Grooming and Care

One of the easiest ways to ensure that you have a happy Goldendoodle is to make sure they are also a healthy Doodle. On the scale of specialty care and grooming needs, Doodles definitely do not top the charts. Just regular check-ups and routine grooming will do the job for these dogs.

Caring for Fur

Since Doodles receive the curly hair gene from their Poodle parent and the straight hair gene from their Golden Retriever parent, they can have a variety in their coat type. Some coats will appear on the straighter side, others on the curly side, and some appear in the middle as a wavy textured coat.

In order to avoid matting, brushing your Goldendoodle multiple times throughout the week is a good habit to develop. They will also require regular baths and a trip to the groomers about once a month to trim up their coat. Since grooming maintenance will vary from dog to dog, based on their coat type, it doesn't hurt to double-check with your veterinarian or dog groomer on what they recommend.

Taking Care of Teeth

By brushing your Goldendoodle's teeth just a couple of times a week, you can help reduce the risk of bacteria and tartar buildup. Not to mention, clean teeth mean keeping that stinky dog breath at bay.

Trimming the Nails

A good rule of thumb on how to know it is time to trim your Doodle's nails is when you can hear them clicking on the floor–this is typically every three to four weeks. When your Doodle is just a puppy, it is additionally helpful to handle their paws and reward them for sitting still. This will help desensitize their feet and their reaction to getting their nails trimmed in the future.

Because dog nails do contain blood vessels, many pet parents may find themselves hesitant to trim the nails themselves. If you are nervous about clipping your dog's nails on your own, talk to your dog groomer or veterinarian, they may be able to trim them for you and show you how to do it on your own.

Checking the Ears

To ensure the utmost health of your Doodle, checking their ears on a regular basis is another great habit to develop. You will want to check if the inside of the ears are red or if there's a bad odor. If either of these are present, it could mean that your Doodle has an ear infection.

doodle on a walk in a city

Goldendoodle Health Concerns

Although they are an overall healthy breed, Goldendoodle health issues can still arise. According to our claims data*, the top 5 most common health issues that can occur in this breed include:

  1. Ear Infections
  2. Upset Tummy
  3. Skin Irritation
  4. Allergies
  5. Digestive Problems

By taking your Doodle to their regular veterinarian visits, you can catch these conditions early on and have them treated properly.

A great way to help your Doodle live a long and happy life is to ensure that he/she does not become overweight. This can be achieved by providing your dog with a healthy diet and daily exercise.

Training Your Goldendoodle

Goldendoodles are naturally smart, eager-to-please dogs, so training them is considered to be fairly easy—which means this is a good breed for first-time dog parents. While these dogs are quick learners, it's important to remain positive and consistent with training, in order to deter any bad habits.

Like most other breeds, with Doodles, it is important to begin socialization and training at a young age. By dedicating just a quick 15 minutes every day to training, you will be surprised by how quickly your puppy will know commands. Because this breed feeds off of positive attention, don't forget to reward your pup's hard work in training with treats or a toy.

Due to Doodles being a moderately active breed, training additionally serves as an outlet for their energy, and it challenges them mentally. If you are looking for new ways to train your Doodle, dog agility is a wonderful choice. Not only does agility burn off extra energy, but it also serves as a great opportunity for pet parents to build and strengthen the relationship they have with their pup.

Just don't forget! A bored Goldendoodle can be a destructive Goldendoodle, so it's important to stimulate their minds and burn off that extra energy.

*Internal Claims Data, 2019

The information presented in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute or substitute for the advice of your veterinarian.


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