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All About Cavapoo

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cavapoo puppy resting on a blue and white dog bed

Cavapoos are happy and playful pups. These adorable dogs are well adapted to live in practically any type of home, with a family of nearly any age or size. Learn more about this charismatic breed.

About the Breed

With a unique name, many people wonder, “What is a Cavapoo mixed with?” This breed is a mix between Cavalier King Charlies Spaniels and Poodles.

Happy-go-lucky and free-spirited, Cavapoos enjoy spending their time playing and hanging out with their family. They view every person as their friend, so don’t expect these canines to be good watchdogs—they’ll happily greet anyone who comes to the door. 

This is an ideal breed for people living in apartments or houses, and they can be a great choice for first-time dog parents or older individuals. Since these dogs have plenty of energy, they typically enjoy playing with kids, but they may not be the best fit for a household with young kids. Children can accidentally play too rough with Cavapoos. It’s essential that you supervise all interactions kids have with your dog and teach them how to interact safely with a Cavapoo.

Cavapoos additionally enjoy the company of another dog or cat (who doesn’t mind dogs). That said, every Cavapoo is different, and some may not want to share your love and attention with another four-legged family member.

Dogs of this breed have a deep love for their family and prefer to spend time with their favorite people. They are not fans of being left alone for an extended time every day, so it’s crucial to consider if your lifestyle is compatible with a Cavapoo before adopting one. Cavapoos are also prone to developing separation anxiety.

Breed History

In the canine world, the Cavapoo breed is relatively new. While it’s possible that these dogs were mixed naturally decades prior, it wasn’t until the 1990s that people began intentionally breeding together Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Poodles.

People initially wanted to mix these two dog breeds in order to create a new type of dog that had the relaxed Cavalier personality, the brains of the Poodle, and a low-shedding coat. While most Cavapoos do have these traits, these dogs are still a mixed breed, so there is no definitive way to tell what percentage of your Cavapoo is going to be Poodle and Cavalier King Charles.

Within just a few decades from this breed’s creation, their numbers have soared. They continue to rise with the popularity of other Poodle-mixed breeds such as Cockapoos, Goldendoodles, Labradoodles, and Maltipoos, to name a few.


Cavapoos have a short, wavy to curly coat that can be in various colors, including white, cream, fawn, gold, chestnut, red, black, and chocolate. Their coats can also be solid, multi-, or tri-colored patterns.

Before adopting a Cavapoo, most pet parents have questions about the breed they first want to be answered. Common questions include,

Are Cavapoos Hypoallergenic?

Cavapoos are not technically hypoallergenic, but because they shed significantly less than many other breeds, they are less likely to cause an allergic reaction for those with a dog allergy. However, if you have a dog allergy, it is best to spend some time around a Cavapoo before adopting one to ensure this breed will be a good fit for you.

Are Cavapoos Smart?

Cavapoos are intelligent dogs. They enjoy learning new tricks and commands, plus it keeps their minds busy—you don’t want a bored dog on your hands.

Do Cavapoos Bark a Lot?

Cavapoos are not known to be barkers. That said, every dog is an individual, so some may be more vocal than others. How much a dog barks may also be dependent upon how much they have been socialized.

Can Cavapoos Be Left Alone?

Cavapoos can be left alone, just not for extended periods day after day. However, to help avoid separation anxiety, it is recommended that you leave your dog home alone on occasion. Crate training can help keep your pal safe while you are away.

Are Cavapoos Good Apartment Dogs?

Cavapoos can make an ideal apartment dog. They are tidy pups that don’t take up much room or require a big yard, plus they are pretty quiet. Before adopting a dog, it’s crucial that you first read your apartment’s rules about dogs, including their weight limit, the number of pets allowed, and how much pet rent costs.

Are Cavapoos Good With Kids?

Cavapoos are good with kids, but some young kids may be too rough or rowdy to be around Cavapoos. Make sure any child or teenager, no matter their age, understands how to interact with a dog, particularly one of smaller stature.

On average, Cavapoos stand around 9-14 inches and weigh between 8-25 pounds. Since this is a mixed breed, the size of your Cavapoo can vary quite a bit. Another factor that affects these dogs’ size is whether their parent is a Miniature, Toy, or Standard Poodle.

The expected lifespan for Cavapoos is 12-15 years. Your dog’s life expectancy can also vary based on multiple factors such as their diet, activity level, living environment, and overall health.

cavapoo puppy with a blue tag resting on a human bed


Dog parents will find comfort in knowing that Cavapoos are easily trainable. These intelligent dogs are people pleasers and will gladly jump at the opportunity to do what they are told. Plus, they get to spend time with their family. 

Keep in mind that every dog is an individual, so some will learn faster than others. While training your dog, it’s essential that you remain patient and positive. By keeping training sessions fun and rewarding your pup for a job well done, you can keep your Cavapoo interested.


Although Cavapoos are low-shedding dogs, they still need to be brushed a few times a week. This can help collect all loose hair and prevent mats from forming. It is recommended that you also take your Cavapoo to a professional dog groomer roughly every other month.

Your dog’s nails will need to be trimmed regularly, though the frequency varies per dog. Most dog groomers offer this service anytime your dog visits for a bath. If you are cutting the nails yourself, it’s crucial that you do not accidentally cut into the quick of the nail. 

Ideally, you should brush your dog’s teeth multiple times a week, though every day wouldn’t hurt. Be sure to use a dog-safe toothpaste and toothbrush.

On a weekly or every-other-week basis, you should check your pup’s ears. If their ears appear dirty, you can clean them out with a cotton ball and dog-safe ear cleaning solution—never use a cotton swab as that could accidentally cause injury. While checking your pal’s ears, if you notice they are ever unusually red or there’s a bad odor, these could be the signs of an ear infection, in which case you should schedule an appointment with their veterinarian.

Although the Cavapoo’s floppy ears are an adorable characteristic of this breed, these types of ears can easily trap water and not dry out properly, leading to various issues, including ear infections.

Just like training, your dog should view grooming as a positive activity. It can make a tremendous difference by providing rewards, such as treats or praise—remaining patient can also be beneficial. For instance, if your Cavapoo isn’t the biggest fan of having their nails trimmed, it could be helpful only to do one foot at a time and take breaks in between.

One of the best ways to get your dog acclimated to their grooming routine is to introduce them to each item, beginning from a young age.


Caring for your Cavapoo is a rewarding job. In return, you will have a best friend, wonderful roommate, and caring companion.

Part of caring for your dog is to provide them with a nutritious diet appropriate for their age. Based on your dog’s size, this will also determine how much they are fed per meal. It’s typically recommended that dogs receive a few measured-out meals a day instead of one large portion.

Keeping an eye on what your dog is eating also includes limiting how many extra treats they get on the side. It’s also critical that you are aware of what human food is okay to feed your dog and what foods they shouldn’t have.

Another part of caring for your Cavapoo is providing them with daily exercise. This can be in the form of a walk, run, or play session. At least half an hour every day, though some Cavapoos may require more exercise than others.

Exercise is essential to caring for a Cavapoo, as it can help keep your dog healthy and entertained—no one wants a bored dog on their hands. Not to mention, when a dog eats too much and doesn’t receive enough exercise, they can pack on some unwanted pounds.

Besides providing your dog with mental and physical stimulation, one of the key parts of caring for a Cavapoo is just spending time with them. These are sociable dogs that prefer to spend their time around their favorite people. Even if you are traveling, consider taking your Cavapoo with you.

Common Health Issues

Before adopting a Cavapoo, pet parents often wonder, “Are Cavapoos healthy?” This is a relatively healthy breed, but they are still susceptible to developing some health issues. According to our claims data,** the top issues that affect this breed include,

  1. Gastrointestinal issues
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Allergies*
  4. Ear infections
  5. Giardia

While these health conditions are more common for the Cavapoo, there is no guarantee that your dog will develop any of these. However, as a Cavapoo parent, it can be beneficial to familiarize yourself with the signs for these top conditions. By knowing what to keep an eye out for, if an issue were to arise, you will hopefully be able to catch it earlier.

If you ever notice a significant change in your pup’s health or behavior, it’s vital that you take them to their veterinarian as soon as possible. Even when your dog appears to be in perfect health, it’s still essential that they visit their veterinarian for a yearly check-up.

**Internal Claims Data, 2015-20

The information presented in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute or substitute for the advice of your veterinarian.


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