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Korat Cat Facts

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Korat cat resting atop a wooden table

Korat cats have big personalities, strong opinions, and a voice that demands to be heard. On the other hand, cats of this breed are also quite friendly and loyal to their family. Before welcoming one into your home, it’s essential to understand, “What is a Korat cat?”

Breed History

The Korat cat breed originated in Thailand hundreds of years ago. There are mentions of these cats in the Tamra Maew (Cat Book Poems), a treasured manuscript written in 1350 A.D. This collection of descriptions and illustrations contains over a dozen various cat breeds.

Many of the cats mentioned in the book of poems were considered good omens, and the Korat was no exception. Because of this belief, Korats were rarely, if ever purchased, and were instead often given as gifts. For instance, brides would often be gifted two Korat cats for good luck and prosperity in their new marriage.

Though this breed has been around for nearly a millennia, these felines did not find their way to America until 1959. Even today, they remain relatively uncommon in most other regions besides Thailand.

Korat vs. Russian Blue Cat

With a quick glance at these two cat breeds, there is no denying that they resemble one another, but there are noticeable differences if you know where to look.

Korats have ears with rounded tips that sit atop their head. Russian Blues have more pointed ears that sit more off to the side of their head.

Having come from the tropical climate of Thailand, Korats have a single-layer coat. On quite the other end of the spectrum, Russian Blues have a thick, double-coat that protects them against harsh Russian winters.

Body Type
Korat cats have a heart-shaped head and a thicker, more muscular, and compact body—sometimes described as cobby. Russian Blues have a more wedge-shaped head and a lean, athletic body type.

Besides physical traits, these two distinct breeds can also be identified from one another by examining their personalities, though this may not be quite as easy to determine. Every cat is an individual, so not all Korats or Russian Blues will fall into these categories, but many cats in these breeds do share similar characteristics. For example, Korats can be very playful and ornery, while Russian Blues are known to be well-behaved and introspective.

close up of a korat cat at home


The Korat cat personality is often what drives people to fall head over heels for these felines. These cats love spending time with their family and are even known to pick one person in the house to be “their person.” If you are looking for a cat to keep you company throughout the day, curl up in your lap when you watch a movie, and help you complete all those chores around the house, look no further.

Korats are an intelligent breed that can be taught various tricks and genuinely enjoy puzzle games that exercise their mind. As a cat parent, you will want to avoid having a bored cat on your hands, as this typically leads to some mischievous or unwanted behaviors.

Just keep in mind, the attention-loving Korat personality is not for everyone—these cats want to be the center of attention. This means you may need to think twice about having a Korat in the same home as another pet. Some cat parents have found that the best company for a Korat is just another Korat. 

That said, these cats can also do well in a household with children. It is best if your cat is socialized with kids, beginning from a young age. Just be sure always to monitor all interactions your Korat has with children and that the kids are taught how to interact gently with your cat. 

Are Korat cats hypoallergenic? Since these felines have a shorter coat, this is a commonly asked question about this breed. Unfortunately for allergy sufferers, Korat cats are not hypoallergenic.

Another common question people have about this breed: How long do Korat cats live? The expected lifespan for cats of this breed is around 15 years, though this is merely an average. A cat’s life expectancy can be influenced by many factors, including their overall health, living environment, diet, and exercise routine. While it’s possible for some Korats to only live to the age of 10, others have lived closer to the age of 20.

Korat cats can be prone to separation anxiety, so this may not be the best choice for someone who has a hectic schedule.


A key part of taking care of your Korat cat includes keeping them well-groomed. With a short, easy-to-manage coat, these felines only need to be brushed a few times a week. This can help decrease the chances of your pal getting hairballs, plus weekly brushings can help eliminate some of the loose cat hair dispersed throughout your home. 

Although a different type of brushing, your cat’s teeth should be brushed ideally multiple times a week—always use cat-safe toothpaste. Although it may take a little bit of time for your feline friend to get used to this part of their grooming routine, dental hygiene is essential for cats of any age.

As needed, you may need to clean around the corners of your cat’s eyes. You can use a soft, damp cloth and wipe gently away from their eyes. Just be sure to use different corners of the cloth, or two separate ones, so as not to spread anything from one eye to another.

The same goes for cleaning your cat’s ears. You can use a soft cloth or cotton ball and a cat-safe ear cleaner to wipe your cat’s outer ear gently. It’s crucial that you don’t use cotton swabs or clean down into your pal’s ears as this could accidentally cause injury.

Every few weeks to about once a month, your Korat will need their nails trimmed. If you find that your pal isn’t the biggest fan of having their feet handled, you can try different techniques such as trimming one paw’s nails at a time or wrapping your cat up like a burrito to calm them while you trim their nails.

Remember to keep each grooming item a positive experience and reward your cat with treats and plenty of ear scratches afterward.

tight shot of a korat cat resting on a blue blanket


When caring for your Korat, their diet and exercise are two of the essential items. All cats need a nutritious and age-appropriate meal plan, and it is recommended to feed your cat only the serving suggestion on their food. Providing your pal with exercise (both mentally and physically) can also help ensure they stay in tip-top shape.

If you are ever unsure of what a healthy weight looks like for your Korat, talk with your veterinarian. They can give you helpful recommendations, tips, and answer any questions you may have.

Don’t forget—litter box care is crucial. Most cats can be picky about having a clean and tidy litter box, and anything less than ideal could result in some unwanted (and messy) cleanups.

Common Health Issues

Korats are a relatively healthy cat breed. That said, these cats can still be susceptible to developing some health issues. According to our claims data,** the top five issues that affect this breed are,

  1. Unsettled stomach
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Diabetes
  4. Hyperthyroidism
  5. Periodontal disease

Although these are common health issues among this breed, there is no guarantee that your Korat will develop any or all these issues. To keep your cat looking and feeling their best, veterinary visits are a must.

All cats should visit their veterinarian annually, though anytime you notice a significant change in appearance or behavior, it is better to be safe than sorry and schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

Fun Facts

Even though the Korat breed has been around for centuries, there is still much to learn about these charismatic cats. Some fun facts include:

  • The Korat cat breed is so old that when they originated in Thailand, Thailand had a completely different name—the country was known as Siam.
  • In Thailand, this breed is called the Si-Sawat.
  • Korats are known for their stunning green-colored eyes, but their eyes are blue at birth. As they age, their eye color changes, though this may take a few years.
  • This breed has a beautiful light blue coat with silver tips. Sometimes kittens are born with “ghost tabby” markings, but they always disappear as they age.
  • Unlike their fellow Thai cat, the Siamese, Korats are not overly vocal, but they are capable of making a wide range of noises and aren’t afraid to speak their voice if they want your attention.

Our feline friends are entertaining at times, to say the least. Korats have big personalities, and cat parents often can’t help but wonder, “What goes on in a cat’s mind?

Korat Cat Names

Choosing a name for your pet can be a long process, not because there aren’t enough names to choose from but rather because there are endless options. In order to help with making this decision, here’s a shortlist of possible Korat names.

  • Milton
  • Ramona
  • Nox
  • Evie
  • Lou
  • Leon
  • Beatrice
  • Ace

Becoming a cat parent is a big and exciting step. While you and your new best pal will be busy going on adventures, playing games, and cuddling, don’t forget to take some photos of your Korat and capture all of the wonderful memories.

**Internal Claims Data, 2015-20

The information presented in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute or substitute for the advice of your veterinarian.


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