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Singapura Cat Facts

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singapura cat lying on white carpet

Singapura cats are a lovely breed that is both beautiful on the inside and out. With a friendly personality, these cats can make for excellent additions to practically any family. If you are considering adopting a Singapura, it’s essential that you first learn some basics about the breed.

Breed History

Singapura history is unique in the sense that there are some contradicting stories about this breed’s origin. It was initially believed that during the mid-1970s, cat breeders Tommy and Hal Meadow adopted three Singapura cats from a shelter in Singapore and then brought the felines back to the United States.

Roughly a decade later, American cat breeder Jerry Mayes was in Singapore looking for specific cat breeds. While on this trip, he discovered evidence suggesting the three original Singapura cats the Meadows owned were actually brought to Singapore from the U.S.

This new claim didn’t gain much traction until the early 1990s when the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board began a campaign to use the Singapura cat as their mascot. As the board started researching this breed’s history, these cats’ controversial and muddled past was brought to light.

No matter their place of origin, many people believe Singapuras to be a cross between Abyssinian and Burmese cats. Some people consider Singapuras a natural breed (also known as landraces), though this is still speculated.


What is a Singapura cat? These felines are happy-go-lucky and enjoy being around their family, friends, and other cats or dogs. Though they can get along well with children, they are not the best fit for an overly rambunctious or loud household. Singapuras are known to scare easily with loud noises, so they’d prefer a quieter home.

Singapuras are fans of having constant company, so they aren’t a breed you can leave alone for an extended period day after day. Another cat or cat-friendly dog can be a wonderful companion for a Singapura.

Before adopting a Singapura, most pet parents have questions about the breed they first want to be answered. Common questions include:

Are Singapura Cats Cuddly?

This also answers many cat parents’ question of, “Are Singapura cats lap cats?” Indeed, this breed loves curling up on people’s laps, and when you are relaxing on your couch or comfy chair, your Singapura will most likely be right by your side. You also shouldn’t be surprised if your cat wants to cuddle at night, especially during the colder months.

Are Singapura Cats Hypoallergenic?

Though this breed does not shed excessively, they are still not considered hypoallergenic. In other words, if you have a cat allergy, then it may be best to steer clear of Singapuras.

Are Singapura Cats Friendly?

The Singapura cat personality can easily be described as friendly. These felines rarely see a stranger—they believe everyone is a friend. They also prefer to spend their time around people, whether cuddling, playing, or just enjoying each other’s company.

Are Singapura Cats Rare?

Singapura cats are considered to be relatively rare. Plus, they have a smaller than normal litter size, contributing to them being less prevalent.

When you come across a Singapura, you won’t soon forget it—these cats are beautiful. They can only be found in a sepia-toned color with a ticked coat pattern. Their large eyes can be hazel, yellow, or green.

Known as one of the smallest cat breeds, the average weight for a Singapura is between 4-8 pounds, with females being smaller than males. An expected lifespan for a Singapura is 11-15 years, though it is not unheard of for some to live even longer.

It’s crucial that you teach children (of any age) how to interact with their pets safely. Until your kids are older, it is also recommended always to monitor your kid and pet’s interactions.


With a short and easy-to-manage coat, Singapuras do not have extensive grooming needs. They usually need to be brushed about once every few weeks. This can help maintain a healthy coat and catch all those loose hairs before they fall all over your furniture.

It is recommended that you brush your cat’s teeth at least once a week. Practicing good dental hygiene is important for many reasons, one of which can help lower the risk of periodontal disease. Once a week, or every other week, it is also worthwhile to do a quick check of your cat’s ears. Clean them out whenever they appear dirty and keep an eye out for the signs of an ear infection.

Don’t forget to trim your cat’s nails every few weeks, though the exact time frame will vary per cat. It may not come as surprising news to learn that not all cats are fans of getting groomed. Suppose your Singapura is not the most enthusiastic. In that case, it can be helpful to make each grooming experience a positive one and to always reward your cat with a treat or some cuddles afterward.

singapura cat sitting on a blue sheet


The basic needs of a Singapura cat are similar to those of any other cat breed. Singapuras require an age-appropriate and nutritious diet, plus they need to be fed the recommended amount per meal. Though you may initially think that a little bit of extra food per meal isn’t a big deal, it could result in your pal packing on some unwanted pounds.

Exercise is an equally crucial part of caring for a cat. In order to help keep their mind and body busy, it’s essential that you provide your Singapura with scratching posts, climbing towers, and various toys, including some puzzle games. Singapuras are intelligent cats who enjoy when they receive mental stimulation. To help keep their minds busy, teaching them tricks like you would a dog is always an excellent option.

Keep in mind that part of caring for a cat means taking care of your cat’s belongings, including their litter box. Some cats can be rather picky about their litter box conditions, so it is best to clean your Singapura’s out regularly.

Common Singapura Cat Health Problems

Although the Singapura cat breed is relatively healthy, these cats are still prone to developing health issues. According to our claims data,** the top health issues that affect this breed are,

  1. Allergic dermatitis
  2. Urinary conditions
  3. Atopic dermatitis
  4. Lethargy
  5. Asthma

Though these issues are typical for this breed, there is no guarantee that your Singapura will develop any of these listed above. That said, as a cat parent, it may be helpful to familiarize yourself with the signs of these health conditions.

If you ever notice a significant change in your cat’s behavior or health, it’s important that you take them to their veterinarian’s as soon as possible. Even in the instance that your feline friend appears to be in perfect health, it remains crucial that you still take them for an annual examination.

Fun Facts

Singapura cats are unique in many ways. Are you ready to learn some more fun facts about this breed?

  • These cats have a low genetic diversity, which is unusual for naturally bred cats.
  • Singapuras have black-tipped tails.
  • Singapuras are also known as Drain Cat, Kucinta, and Love Cat.
  • This breed’s name is drawn from the Malay word for Singapore.
  • Though these cats are small, they are still quite muscular, so don’t underestimate their strength and where they can reach when exploring.

When it comes to this breed, there is more to them than meets the eye.


Choosing a name for your Singapura friend may, at first, seem like a daunting task—there are so many options. In order to make this decision a little easier, check out this list of summer-inspired names.

  • Apollo
  • Apple
  • Aurora
  • Catalina
  • Honeybee
  • Juniper
  • Nikko
  • Petunia

After welcoming a Singapura cat into your home, you are guaranteed to always have a loving companion, wonderful friend, and entertaining roommate.

**Internal Claims Data, 2015-20
The information presented in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute or substitute for the advice of your veterinarian.


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