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Navigating Our Member Center

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The Member Center is our online resource for you to manage your ASPCA Pet Health Insurance account. From here, you can manage all different aspects of your account, like adding a pet or veterinarian to checking on claim status.

Member Center Access

You’ll need to register for the Member Center to access it. If you’re part of our pet lover community, chances are you’ve already done so. There is an option to register at the bottom of the web page when you finish the coverage purchasing process, and new customers receive an email inviting them to check out the Member Center if they haven’t yet.

But, if you’ve still not registered, all you have to do is visit our homepage and click “My Policy” at the top of the screen. This will take you to the Member Center login where you’ll find a link to register.

Once you’re registered, you can get to the Member Center 24/7 by going to “My Policy” on our homepage or visiting here.

Member Center Features

The Member Center’s account management features are easy to use. We created them to help you get the most benefit out of your coverage. And, since the Member Center is available 24/7, you can manage your account at any time and any place!


You can submit and track the status of your claims in the “Claims” section.

To submit a claim, fill out your information and upload your itemized invoice. It’s the quickest and most convenient way to get your claim to us!

We’ll send you email notifications as your claim is processed, but you can track it all along the way under the “Track a Claim” tab.

To the right of the “Track a Claim” tab is another that says “Direct Deposit.” We highly recommended you set up direct deposit. It’ll allow you to get your reimbursements faster since we can deposit them right into your bank account.

We highly recommended you set up direct deposit.

Add a Pet

Make an addition to your furry family? You can easily add them to your account. Though your insured pets will all be on the same account, they will each have their own individualized policy.

To add a pet to your account, click the tab that says “Add a Pet.” You can begin filling out your new pet’s information here and get them covered in no time!

You can view any of your pets’ policies by going to “Pets” section on the left of the screen and then clicking the “View My Pets” tab. You’ll see “View Policy Details” to the right of your pet’s name.

The younger you’re able to insure a new pet, the better. Start a quote for them today.


The “Billing” section is where you can change your billing information. You can choose to pay with your credit card or bank account. It’s crucial to keep your billing information up to date since premium payments are made by automatic withdrawal.

If you need to update your information but forget to before the next billing cycle, you can make an instant payment by credit card under the “Pay My Bill” tab in this section.

The “Direct Deposit” tab is also viewable in the “Billing” section. Don’t forget to set up direct deposit for faster reimbursement!

Account Information

The “Account Information” section of the Member Center is where all your contact information is stored. This includes your name, address, phone number, and email. You can update your contact information at any time.

Beneath your contact information is a checkable box for our paperless option. This option allows you to receive communications in the Member Center or by email rather than mail.

You are also able to change your Member Center login password in this section. Just click the tab that says “Change Password.”

Adding Your Veterinarian

It’s important to add your veterinarian’s information in the Member Center. Doing so will help us process your claims faster, and that means a quicker reimbursement for eligible claims.

Click the “My Veterinarian” section on the left of the screen. Then, enter your ZIP code in the Veterinary Locator to find and add your clinic.

Don’t see your clinic on the list? Let Customer Service know, and we will work to get it added.

Help Topics

The “Help Topics” section contains resources to assist you in getting the most out of your coverage, like step-by-step instructions for filing a claim and answers to commonly asked questions. And, because it’s so important to us that your pet’s coverage fits your needs, we’ve also included information on the many options you have to adjust your pet’s plan.

You’ll find the phone number for the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center in the “Help Topics” section as well. It’s always good to have on hand in case of a toxic ingestion emergency. Pets can be sneaky, so you can never be certain they’ll keep their noses out of harmful substances.

Still have questions? We’d be happy to answer them! You can find our contact information in the “Help Topics” section.


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